Hello Global Tribe of PhyreKeepers (GTOP)!

01/10/2020 – Our 2nd Vlog continues on the Blisterless, Callousless (HD) Hand Drill method I’ve been VERY busy with work as an RN, and re-learning Adobe Premiere Pro to do the videos and WordPress to re-do my site: www.PhyreDojo.com (still not done…) I haven’t worked on BOTH of these for a long time….

As I post this, I’m now arrived and in Quebec! VERY busy getting ready to Train and Teach with LES PRIMITIFS (www.LesPrimitifs.com) (Sat./Sun. 01/11-12/2020). We will be demo-ing and going over EVERY KNOWN METHOD in the World for Competence and Comprehension.

I’m happy to give you PART 2 of this (HD) Hand Drill subject which is in the hopes of solving a lot of the Tribe’s pain points, frustrations and obstacles in mastery of the (HD) Hand Drill. (Full Disclosure: I didn’t have the time to spend as much time as I wanted to on it as well as the fact I’m still re-learning Adobe Premiere Pro…)

As always, Phyre Dojo is available and here to support the Global Tribe of PhyreKeepers toward Mastery of Phryction PhyreKeeping.

FaceBook – https://www.facebook.com/Phyre-Dojo-180067228735363/
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/user/PhyreDojo
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/phyredojo/
Pinterest – https://www.pinterest.com/phyredojo/phyredojo