#0024 – Phyre Phryday VBlog 10/23/2020 – Harvesting & Processing Horseweeds & Yuccas (and another (HD) Hand Drill Set Test…)

Hello Global Tribe of PhyreKeepers (GTOP)!

10/23/2020 – Welcome to Phyre Dojo’s 24th Phyre Phryday Vlog.

So, I’ve been insanely busy with Life’s distractions. My son is within STEPS of completing his Boy Scout Eagle Rank. Due to the pandemic, I got got MORE busy than usual, but working with my son on his Eagle Project was what really did me in…

Anyway, GAMBARIMASHO YO! (Japanese for “Let’s Keep Going!) Phyre Dojo is back! (Hopefully,) I can keep up the weekly schedule again. I made it to almost half a year till Life said, “Uh no!”

In this week’s VLOG, I finally clean up my backyard of some Horseweeds (Conyza Canadensis) and then we see what we got.

Then, I go through processing some Horseweeds (Conyza Canadensis) I picked up on the way home from a patient’s home.

Then, I test (an order…) (HD) Hand Drill Set of a Prickly Lettuce (Lactuca Serriola) Spindle on a Redwood (Sequoia Sempervirens) HearthBoard.

Lastly, I process a whole lot of Yuccas (Yucca Spp.) that I picked up in an automotive service yard after I asked the owner for permission.


There is a Universe of many other Methods (Basics) waiting for you to Discover and Explore…

   Still VERY busy trying to update my PhyreDojo site and fulfilling Orders while making these VLOGS and Balancing Life in general…

Gambarimasho Yo! (Japanese for “Let’s Keep Going!)

“May everyone around you feel and be safer because you are there.”

Joe Lau, RN

   As always, Phyre Dojo is available and here to support the Global Tribe of PhyreKeepers toward Mastery of Phryction PhyreKeeping.

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