0009 – Phyre Phryday V/Blog 02/28/2020 – (MD) Mouth Drill: PhyreHacking TUPELO (Nyssa Spp.)
Hello Global Tribe of PhyreKeepers (GTOP)!
02/28/2020 – Our 9th Vlog opens with the Tupelo (MD) Mouth Drill.
1st, I want to thank my daughter Alexa for taking the time to film me doing this Method. So, I had gotten 2 blocks of TUPELO (Nyssa Spp.) from a woodworking store called WOODCRAFT. I go to a few places to find a selection of domestic and exotic woods you will not find in your local hardware stores. I will visit Willard Brothers Sawmill in South Jersey, and also Boards & Beams in North Jersey, for example.
These 2 blocks were 4″ X 4″ X 12″. I had bandsawed one of the blocks into 3/4″ X 4″ X 12″ boards. I then put 2 of those boards together with a Box Joint which you will see in the video, and made one longer HearthBoard. I took another board and made a handful of 5/8″ reloads for my Bamboo reloading (MD) Mouth Drill Spindle. I put a trough in the HearthBoard (in woodworking this is called a “flute,”) as well as sockets and notches.
According to Eric Meier’s book WOOD, Tupelo (Nyssa Spp.) is supposed to have a Janka Hardness of 800. THESE blocks of Tupelo are NO WHERE NEAR 800 Janka. As I explain in the video, I have Sycamore (Janka 770) that is much harder/denser than this Tupelo. I fact, I think it’s even LIGHTER than Cedar (Janka 350!)
Anyway, I also decided to include 4 Video Tests of some more (HD) Hand Drill Sets.
1) Velvetleaf Spindle on Cottonwood/Aspen/Poplar HearthBoard
2) Prickly Lettuce Spindle on BaldCypress HearthBoard
3) New York Ironweed Spindle on Western Red Cedar HearthBoard
4) Sneezeweed Spindle on Redwood HearthBoard
There is a Universe of many other Methods (Basics) waiting for you to Discover and Explore…
Still VERY busy trying to update my PhyreDojo site and fulfilling Orders while making these VLOGS and Balancing Life in general…
Gambarimasho Yo! (Japanese for “Let’s Keep Going!)
“May everyone around you feel and be safer because you are there.”
Joe Lau, RN
As always, Phyre Dojo is available and here to support the Global Tribe of PhyreKeepers toward Mastery of Phryction PhyreKeeping.
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