#0013 – Phyre Phryday V/Blog 03/27/2020 – Phyre Dojo’s New Workshop Tour (& another Hand Drill Test)

Hello Global Tribe of PhyreKeepers (GTOP)!

   03/27/2020 – Our 13th Vlog opens showing you a little bit of drawing back the curtain to see how the “Phyre is made.”

   If you looked closer in past videos when I would do demos in my Workshop, you could see what a disorganized mess it was. And, another thing is the the layers of dust around the Workshop is too small to see, but it’s there! I follow all the common sense uses of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) (well… I do now, anyway…) There was a time last year when my asthma had COMPLETELY gone away. But, I was focused like a madman getting ready to do a Workshop in Japan with Taku Kawaguchi (of WildAndNative.com) and when I got to Japan, my asthma had started up again and with a vengence! My wife, Raquel and I figured out that it was the dangerous micron sized wood dust that had caused the return. It was bad for a while! I invested in one of those dual filter OSHA style breathing masks and it has been a big help!

   Anyway, in EVERY Workshop I do, and every time I talk to another PhyreKeeper who wants to learn a new Method, I always lay down the 4 Foundational Skills NECESSARY in order to do “Primitive” Phryction PhyreKeeping. They are as follows:

1) Plant & Tree Identification Skills

2) Cordage Making Skills

3) Stone Tool Making (and Using!) Skills

4) WoodWorking Skills

   So, when I began to get serious with Phyre Dojo back in 2010, I didn’t officially see it, but I had become a WOODWORKER. I was already well versed in the first 3 Skills. In order to better my Phryction PhyreKeeping ability I began to focus on what professional WoodWorkers do and how they think to solve problems.

   So, for a few years now, I’ve wanted (needed) a professional WoodWorking WorkBench with a real Face Vise and a real Tail Vise. All this time I had been working on all sorts of makeshift tables and shelves and bench tops… I finally got one! The problem was I had to first make room in my little 10 X 10 Basement Room (Workshop) where I had stuffed in multiple buckets all manner of tools that I had collected over the years, including my large Band Saw, Jointer, and other power tools like the Routers, Table Saws, Mitre Saws, etc… and, ALL of it covered in a layer of dust because in my learning for better dust collection and control (I even have a large professional WoodWorking Dust Collection Vaccum with a Cyclone Collector), I had “phayled”, but realized and learned what to do.

   I cleaned out and cleared the entire 10 X 10 room – including the electrically static clinging dust wiped off the walls and all surfaces. I reorganized and placed metal shelves VERTICALLY on my walls in order to better fully SEE what tools I have and that they were accessible (instead of hidden in buckets fully of sawdust…) and then I started putting together the new WorkBench. This took an entire WEEK working everyday, all day. I am finally done and can now get back down to business because EVERYTHING else has been on hold since.

   I am so PSYCHED to now “get busy” in the new Workshop. Bring on those CHALLENGES!

   I did have to get out an order of a (HD) Hand Drill Set of Prickly Lettuce Spindle on a Western Red Cedar HearthBoard. As always I test all Sets before shipping, because PROOF IS EVERYTHING. Phyre Dojo is S.T.E.A.M. based and balancing Structures/Variables/Functions is the heart of Phyre Dojo’s Vision and Mission.


There is a Universe of many other Methods (Basics) waiting for you to Discover and Explore…
Still VERY busy trying to update my PhyreDojo site and fulfilling Orders while making these VLOGS and Balancing Life in general…
Gambarimasho Yo! (Japanese for “Let’s Keep Going!)
“May everyone around you feel and be safer because you are there.”
Joe Lau, RN
As always, Phyre Dojo is available and here to support the Global Tribe of PhyreKeepers toward Mastery of Phryction PhyreKeeping.
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