#0035 – Phyre Phryday V/Blog 01/08/2021 – Hard/Sugar/Rock Maple (Acer Saccharum) (ED) Egyptian Drill: HOMESICK FOR JAPAN!
(Color Codes: RED = Materials, BLUE = Link, PURPLE = Method/Technique, GREEN = Janka Hardness)
Hello Global Tribe of PhyreKeepers (GTOP)!
01/08/2021 – Welcome to Phyre Dojo’s 35th Phyre Phryday Vlog. And again… Happy New Year! Gong Hey Fa Choy! (In Cantonese.)
I am INCREDIBLY HOMESICK for Japan, but Japan, as well as a lot of the World, is not letting anyone from the US into their countries, and for legitimate and obvious reasons.
In these videos, I am teaching with TAKU KAWAGUCHI of WILD AND NATIVE ( https://wildandnative.com/ ). These are Taku’s students at his bushcraft school where we went over and demonstrated EVERY METHOD IN THE WORLD.
On the first day of the Workshop, we did (ED) EGYPTIAN DRILL. And, (ED) EGYPTIAN Drill‘s “claim to fame” is that in fact you could do ANY HIGHER DENSITY Woods that are just TOO HARD for (BD) Bow Drill, that’s approximately on a Janka Hardness Scale of about 1000 to 2000 respectively.
The (ED) Egyptian Drill Set here is made COMPLETELY of Hard/Sugar/Rock MAPLE (Acer Saccharum). The Bow, Pressure Hand Brace, Spindles, Reloads and the Hearth! ALL from those materials!
You haven’t lived until you’ve tried to make Phryction Phyre Sets COMPLETELY with the Woods you’re trying to LITE! Can’t wait to make more!
Hard/Sugar/Rock MAPLE (Acer Saccharum) has a Janka Hardness Rating of 1,450!!
(For comparison, Atlantic White Cedar (Chamaecyparis Thoyoides) OR Western Red Cedar (Thuja Plicata) (i.e. “Your Cedar (BD) Bow Drill“) are ONLY Janka Hardness Rated: 350…)
Janka hardness test – Wikipedia
This was the 1st time I demonstrated the S.T.E.A.M. possibilities of Phryction PhyreKeeping at this level overseas.
In January of 2020, at the the LES PRIMITIFS Tribe Workshop, Mathieu Hebert, PhyreHacked an even HARDER WOOD with the (ED) Egyptian Drill: A wood named ZEBRAWOOD (Microberlinia Brazzavillensis) with a Janka Hardness Rating of 1830!!
This was also a demonstration of exactly what I do when I PHYREHACK! I created this (ED) Egyptian Drill Set made entirely of ZEBRAWOOD (Microberlinia Brazzavillensis) and then went to Quebec, Canada with it – WITHOUT TESTING BEFORE I WENT. Then, I explained in front of >20 people that my hypothesis is that a wood of this particular Janka Hardness should light up with this particular method.
And then I went and lit it up for the 1st time ever in front of a live audience.
To the RIGHT, is a photo of my 1st ever PhyreHack COAL of ZEBRAWOOD (Microberlinia Brazzavillensis).
“And, that is how you practice PhyreHacking. Match the Janka Hardness to the Method and TEST for PROOF and EVIDENCE. Phryction PhyreKeeping measurements are easy. It’s BINARY. Either you get a coal, or you don’t.”
There is a Universe of many other Methods (Basics) waiting for you to Discover and Explore…
Still VERY busy trying to update my PhyreDojo site and fulfilling Orders while making these VLOGS and Balancing Life in general…
Gambarimasho Yo! (Japanese for “Let’s Keep Going!)
“May everyone around you feel and be safer because you are there.”Joe Lau, RN
As always, Phyre Dojo is available and here to support the Global Tribe of PhyreKeepers toward Mastery of Phryction PhyreKeeping.
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Phryction PhyreKeeping Heretic & Blasphemer
Because everything else, is just “friction fire.”