#0039 – Phyre Phryday V/Blog 02/05/2021 – POKEWEED Base & HICKORY Blade (PS) Phyre Saw
Color Codes:
RED = Materials,
BLUE = Link,
PURPLE = Method/Technique,
GREEN = Janka Hardness
Hello Global Tribe of PhyreKeepers (GTOP)!
02/05/2021 – Welcome to Phyre Dojo’s 39th Phyre Phryday Vlog.
There are 2 MAIN TYPES of Wood Phryction PhyreKeeping Methods: 1) The Axis/Drill Types, and 2) The Linears.
(PP) Phyre PLOW, (PS) Phyre SAW, and the (PT) Phyre Thong are the 3 LINEARS.
If you’re not aware, I have a buch of older videos on Phyre Dojo’s YouTube Channel that predate this VLOG by YEARS! One of them that I recently referenced because someone had a question about a REVERSE (PS) Phyre Saw made with a Base of Giant Sunflower (Helioanthus Gigantea). So, I thought most of you might also not know that they’re there.
THIS VIDEO (From September 2013), demos a REGULAR (PS) Phyre Saw Method with the materials of AMERICAN POKEWEED (Phytolacca Americana) Base that is FIXED and with a MOVING Blade of HICKORY (Carya Spp.). The POKEWEED (Phytolacca Americana) came from my own backyard at the time, and the HICKORY (Carya Spp.) came from a straight Maul Handle gotten at a big box hardware store!
There are MANY variations of HICKORY, and their JANKA HARDNESS RATINGS will vary from +/- 1,290-2,140.
(For comparison, Atlantic White Cedar (Chamaecyparis Thoyoides) OR Western Red Cedar (Thuja Plicata) (i.e. “Your Cedar (BD) Bow Drill“) are ONLY Janka Hardness Rated: 350…)
Janka hardness test – Wikipedia
In January of 2020, at the the LES PRIMITIFS Tribe Workshop, we repeated that demonstration as a REVERSE (PS) Phyre Saw (as well as the REGULAR (PS) Phyre Saw with BAMBOO.)
PHOTOS ON THE RIGHT: Photos of the Les Primitifs Tribe of Quebec, Canada and myself doing the SOTOL (Dasylirion Spp.) (PS) Phyre SAW, as the MOVING BASE on a FIXED Blade of HICKORY (Carya Spp.)
There is a Universe of many other Methods (Basics) waiting for you to Discover and Explore…
Still VERY busy trying to update my PhyreDojo site and fulfilling Orders while making these VLOGS and Balancing Life in general…
Gambarimasho Yo! (Japanese for “Let’s Keep Going!)
“May everyone around you feel and be safer because you are there.”Joe Lau, RN
As always, Phyre Dojo is available and here to support the Global Tribe of PhyreKeepers toward Mastery of Phryction PhyreKeeping.
FaceBook – https://www.facebook.com/Phyre-Dojo-180067228735363/
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/user/PhyreDojo
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/phyredojo/
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Phryction PhyreKeeping Heretic & Blasphemer
Because everything else, is just “friction fire.”