#0090 – Phyre Phryday VLOG 07/08/2022 – The 2022 SCOUT LANCE PHYRE
Color Codes:
RED = Materials,
BLUE = Link,
PURPLE = Method/Technique,
GREEN = Janka Hardness
Hello Global Tribe of PhyreKeepers (GTOP)!
07/08/2022 – Welcome to Phyre Dojo’s 90th Phyre Phryday Vlog.
So, I’m REALLY BEHIND IN POSTING…. (Today – 07/21/2022 THU).
I had to get ready for, and then taught the Scout Lance and some Knife and some Self/Others Protection at the TRACKER SCHOOL’s 2022 SCOUT CLASS alongside fellow “BUYU” (Japanese for: Warriorship Friends) CHRISTOPHER HARLEY and BEN SANFORD!
So, a week before the Scout Class started (on Sunday, 07/10/2022), I was driving to work when I suddenly got the idea that I should create a “Scout Lance Phyre Set”.
Well, “what is a Scout Lance Phyre Set????”
So, 20 years ago, (when I was Senior Instructor at the school,) the Scout Class used to have to harvent and make their Lances from forest fire killed OAK SAPLINGS locally in the area. As you can imagine, over the years, fire killed Oak Saplings got harder and harder to find. Also, PERSONALLY, I thought this also ate into too much time during the Scout Class itself. I thought there should be more time spent on lessons and teachings and training.
I thought that we should have a permanent set of LANCES for Scout every year to be re-used with a material that would need to stand up to YEARS of abuse.
So, there USED TO BE a BAMBOO & RATTAN WAREHOUSE nearby in Lakewood, NJ. It now now longer exists. I even drove past to make sure that they were actually gone… I purchased a series of RATTAN STAVES for the Scout Class(es) and the Tracker School has been using these Rattan Staves for over 20 years now.
What does this have to do with the “Scout Lance Phyre Set”?
I decided the Phyre Set for the 2022 Scout Class was going to be made ENTIRELY out of RATTAN.
The METHODS I chose were BOTH the (CD) CRUTCH DRILL & the (TD) TOGGLE DRILL Sets.
Although, (CD) CRUTCH DRILL can handle woods as hard as OSAGE ORANGE (Maclura Pomifera) (Janka Hardness: 2,620 ) and PURPLEHEART (Peltogyne Spp. ) (Janka Hardness: 2,520 ) and (TD) TOGGLE DRILL can get you COALS FROM THE HARDEST WOODS IN THE WORLD (Janka Hardnesses from 3,000 – 5,000)…, RATTAN is a “softer” less dense/hard wood that you could do easily with a (BD) BOW DRILL.
So, I created a “SCOUT LANCE” – made out of one of those SAME RATTANs from 20 Years Ago, and that would be the HEARTHBOARD with 60 SOCKETS/NOTCHES for the Drills.
ALL parts of the Set were made of RATTAN! The RELOADING SPINDLE, the RELOADS, the PRESSURE CRUTCH/”T” BRACE, the BOW and the TOGGLES!
By the end of the Scout Class – EVERY participant had gotten a COAL with their choice of (CD) CRUTCH DRILL or (TD) TOGGLE DRILL and INITIALED the Socket/Notch they got their COAL from, and then it was presented to Tom Brown, Jr. in thanks from the class for the teachings that week.
Every participant was allowed to keep their own RATTAN Reload that they started their COAL with!
(P.S. – The mosquitoes, chiggers and biting flies made the class super challenging for a lot of participants – including me…)
Phyre Dojo’s The S.T.E.A.M. Universe of Phryction PhyreKeeping UX/UI Experience Workshop – JANUARY 2023
So, from Wednesday, JANUARY 25th to Sunday JANUARY 29th (Total of 4 days), I will be hosting a gathering which will be a Hands-On, User Experience (UX)/User Interface (UI) Workshop which will not only cover EVERY METHOD and ALL PRINCIPLES/VARIABLES of Phryction PhyreKeeping, there will be READY TO GO SETS available in most known MATERIALS.
This Workshop will be broadcast LIVE on YouTube that weekend for FREE.
This 1st time UX/UI Experience Workshop is closed only to those who in the past had signed on to the HIDEN DENKI DENSHO (Online Course) (but is now available for FREE.)
All following Workshops will be open for Registration to all once I have an available schedule for next year.
FOR COMPARISON: ( Atlantic White Cedar (Chamaecyparis Thoyoides) OR Western Red Cedar (Thuja Plicata) (i.e. “Your Cedar (BD) Bow Drill“) are ONLY Janka Hardness Rated: 350…)
Janka hardness test – Wikipedia
There is a Universe of many other Methods (Basics) waiting for you to Discover and Explore…
Still VERY busy trying to update my PhyreDojo site and fulfilling Orders while making these VLOGS and Balancing Life in general…
Gambarimasho Yo! (Japanese for “Let’s Keep Going!)
“May everyone around you feel and be safer because you are there.”Joe Lau, RN
As always, Phyre Dojo is available and here to support the Global Tribe of PhyreKeepers toward Mastery of Phryction PhyreKeeping.
FaceBook – https://www.facebook.com/Phyre-Dojo-180067228735363/
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/user/PhyreDojo
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/phyredojo/
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Phryction PhyreKeeping Heretic & Blasphemer
Because everything else, is just “friction fire.”