#0045 – Phyre Phryday V/BLOG 03-19-2021 – Testing 5 Different Kinds Of Methods Before They Are Shipped

Color Codes:

RED = Materials,

BLUE = Link,

PURPLE = Method/Technique,

GREEN = Janka Hardness

Hello Global Tribe of PhyreKeepers (GTOP)!

03/19/2021 – Welcome to Phyre Dojo’s 45th Phyre Phryday Vlog.

So, my friend, MARCEL LEFEBVRE of Les Primitifs was having a PHYRE WORKSHOP. I volunteered to send him some Sets – UNFORTUNATELY – DUE TO THE CUSTOMS HOLDUP DUE TO COVID – he did not receive them on time for his Workshop.

But, NOT TO FEAR. One will ALWAYS run out of time before they run out of stuff to do and teach and train… in a PHYRE WORKSHOP that is… It is almost nearly improbable to even show ALL THE KNOWN METHODS in a WEEKEND unles one has EVERYTHING ready and planned to the minute.

Suffice it to say, he has been getting some good use out of them lately and will use and show them in his NEXT PHYRE WORKSHOP (I think.)

What 5 METHODS did I send?!?!?! Did they work? Did they work well? It’s all on the video…

Today, I’m going to let you just see for yourself. This video is over an hour long BTW….

Atlantic White Cedar (Chamaecyparis Thoyoides) OR Western Red Cedar (Thuja Plicata) (i.e. “Your Cedar (BD) Bow Drill“) are ONLY Janka Hardness Rated: 350…)

Janka hardness test – Wikipedia



There is a Universe of many other Methods (Basics) waiting for you to Discover and Explore…

   Still VERY busy trying to update my PhyreDojo site and fulfilling Orders while making these VLOGS and Balancing Life in general…

Gambarimasho Yo! (Japanese for “Let’s Keep Going!)

“May everyone around you feel and be safer because you are there.”Joe Lau, RN

   As always, Phyre Dojo is available and here to support the Global Tribe of PhyreKeepers toward Mastery of Phryction PhyreKeeping.



FaceBook – https://www.facebook.com/Phyre-Dojo-180067228735363/

YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/user/PhyreDojo

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/phyredojo/

#fire #firebyfriction #frictionfire 


#primitivetechnology #obscureandobsolete #phyretime #nobodycaresenough #primitivefirelighting #survival #survivalskills #trackerschool #bushcraft #bushcraftskills #phyre #phyrekeeping


#phryctionphyre #phryctionphyrekeeping #phyredojo

#wildernesssurvival #wildernesssurvivalskills #woodworker #woodworkingskills #woodwork

Phryction PhyreKeeping Heretic & Blasphemer
Because everything else, is just “friction fire.”