“Does OAK Psyche You Out? You’re Using The Wrong Tech.”
Hello Global Tribe of PhyreKeepers (GTOP)!
02/14/2020 – Our 7th Vlog opens with what I call a “Medium Size” Bow Drill, the (CD) Crutch Drill. Phyre Dojo considers the (BD) Bow Drill and the (ED) Egyptian Drill as “Small”, the (CD) Crutch Drill as “Medium”, and then finally the (GD) Giant Drill as “Large.”
Before I begin, I want to introduce you to a new MENU selection on Phyre Dojo’s site: DISCOVERY! The opening quote is:
“There are 2 kinds of Discovery. There’s ‘”Self Discovery”‘ which means it’s already within Humanity’s knowledge and experience and you’re learning it for the first time. And then, there’s ‘”Discovery For Humanity””, which means that you have added to Humanity’s knowledge and experience base when it was unknown to all.”
On the Discovery Page, you will eventually find some of the S.T.E.A.M. information that is at the heart of Phyre Dojo’s Mission. The stuff isn’t posted yet, but I’ll get to it soon. For example, Phyre Dojo’s “22 Variables” will allow you to figure out how to play with and balance EVERY Phryction PhyreKeeping Method in the World. Another example is Phyre Dojo’s “Method/Janka Index” which will better direct you to MATCH THE HARDNESS OF THE WOOD YOU HAVE TO THE PROPER TECH METHOD YOU SHOULD USE.
I have chosen to go this week to not do a new “PhyreHack” of a new material, but to instead introduce to you HOW YOU CAN PHYREHACK. I have done Oaks many times. Only a few people that I can count on one hand can and will do Oaks for Phryction PhyreKeeping. Why is that? It is within the known knowledge of Humanity. So, now it’s time for YOU (if you so choose) to SELF-DISCOVER how to do it yourself.
It’s sometimes because PhyreKeepers have a hard time getting past their seemingly ONLY 2 choices: (HD) Hand Drill & (BD) Bow Drill. Imagine you lived in a town where you knew of, and only had, 2 restaurants to choose from: A Pizza Place and a Chinese Place. Let’s say (BD) Bow Drill is the Pizza Place. You go or order from there regularly. It’s fast and easy and reliable. Let’s say the Chinese Place is more adventurous and takes more time and energy. You go there less often, but you wish you could go there more. What if you only looked at the World this way whenever you left your town?
The (CD) Crutch Drill (as well as the (ED) Egyptian Drill) open up not only a whole new World of HOW to do Phryction PhyreKeeping, it allows you to taste an incredible amount of materials that you may not have ever imagined doing! When I was in Japan, I demo’ed PurpleHeart (Janka Hardness of about 2530!) as a (CD) Crutch Drill. Oak is not as hard as that. In Quebec, I demo’ed with Zebrawood (Janka Hardness 1830), which is about the same as an Oak, BUT, IT WAS A PHYREHACK DONE IN FRONT OF 20 PEOPLE FOR THE 1ST TIME EVER!
Why did I pick OAK this week? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I wonder if there’s something almost MYTHOLOGICAL about “OAK”. Oak is well known for it’s strength and hardness. Oak is something you’re WARNED to stay away from AS A BEGINNER. But, if you’ve got quite a number of COALS “under your belt,” then you’re ready to experiment and grow! Here’s what I think is the main problem: PhyreKeepers ARE IN THE “THERE ARE ONLY 2 CHOICES” Trap!
To the upper right is a VIDEO of a (CD) Crutch Drill Set I just MADE ENTIRELY OF RED OAK – gotten from a “Big Box Store!” (Full Disclosure: LOWE’S.) I got a board of 3/4″ Red Oak for the HearthBoard, Bow and Pressure Crutch Brace (PCB). I got a 1 and 1/4″ Red Oak Dowel for the Spindle, and I got a 3/4″ Dowel to make RELOADS out of. (If you miss your “Cedar (BD) Bow Drill Set”, you can make one from LOWE’S as well because they have CEDAR! That’s another VLOG…)
What is the MAIN component engineered into this tech that makes the (CD) Crutch Drill enable you to ignite an Oak Drill? It is the TORQUE Spindle. The Spindle is a larger diameter (1 and 1/4″) than the Reload which is kept to the same Diameter as a (BD) Bow Drill Spindle (3/4″). This means than when you add a LOT more Pressure with your bodyweight, the Spindle WILL TURN, but also because of the multiple wraps and the stiff, non-flexible Bow.
In next week’s VLOG, I will use these SAME EXACT COMPONENTS to turn this (CD) Crutch Drill into an (ED) Egyptian Drill to help increase your ‘tech” or Method knowledge!
There is a Universe of many other Methods (Basics) waiting for you to Discover and Explore…
Still VERY busy trying to update my PhyreDojo site and fulfilling Orders while making these VLOGS and Balancing Life in general…
Gambarimasho Yo! (Japanese for “Let’s Keep Going!)
“May everyone around you feel and be safer because you are there.”
Joe Lau, RN
As always, Phyre Dojo is available and here to support the Global Tribe of PhyreKeepers toward Mastery of Phryction PhyreKeeping.
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